About Project Second Chance Monroe

Project Second ChanceProject Second Chance Monroe was founded in fall 2008 by program director Marji McIntyre. Pairing troubled youth with abandoned dogs, their work together gives them a second chance in life. The dogs are housed for three weeks in PSC kennels where they are cared for, groomed and trained by the youth participants.

During twice-weekly discussions, the at-risk youth meet with a therapist where messages of responsibility, compassion, accountability, commitment and hope are encouraged and communicated through counseling and the dynamics of their hands-on work with the dogs.

Each session concludes with a graduation ceremony. The youth receive a certificate of participation and community service hours. The dogs are adopted into their forever homes, some as companion animals with American veterans.

For those students who are interested, a program to study a career path in the pet industry is available. On-line instruction and training from local professionals can result in certification in their area of interest.